Outie Dylan doesn’t seem bad
Everyone loves to discuss BoJack’s worst moments, but what is the best thing BoJack ever did?
who would you have picked in their situation
Time to see what’s all this hate about
Does anyone Get Tired of Hearing Others Talk?
Dad guilt
They can never make me hate Her💙!
Critique my art please (don't be too mean I'm sensitive)
How do I tell my parents I want to major in psychology?
What horrors has my daughter's sock witnessed?
What do u think ? 🔴🫀
Update: She stole my dog
Building confidence
Photography. Is it good?
Being a Korra hater means you aren't a real fan of Avatar. Let me explain.
Tomb carry required
why the heck do other ppl care how i plan to feed MY baby
My gf (22f) snuck out of our bed to cuddle with her brother (22m) on the couch in the middle of the night, and now she's mad that I'm mad??
What's your Routine?
The only cheating my wife will ever have to worry about is me eating at one of our favorite restaurants by myself. No wife, no kids, just so good food in the middle of a busy work day.
Get your own food
Local shop selling ai paintings
Not sure what this was doing in Gloucestershire, but bought it for a laugh