31m | durham | homebody
open concept living room i, NC
day & night living room
My living room light is good for my mental (Raleigh, NC)
First solo apartment / living room
Imagine a world without OpTic carrying the competitive scene...
Scump & Simp Career Achievements
Mark my words its dropping Friday
How many people just aren’t gonna buy COD this year?
Simp and Abezy
Clay definitely mad at someone
I don’t understand how people can genuinely hate players
What’s your champs cheering order?
CDL Viewers Once Optic Loses
0.0 seconds?
Are people booing Faze?
The Flank Q&A 7/16
Simps career series win/loss is absurd (@GGBreakingPoint)
[Octane] I hate online Call of Duty so much. I can’t believe I haven’t completely lost my mind yet
The Problem With CDL fans ; and the effect is has on the future of the CDL (effort post)
No lies detected here
[SW] super nook bros buying for 4 1 8
[SW] Back again with the boys at 530.
[SW] Turnips for 521
[SW] Turnips at 421