The Current Confirmed Projects in the DCU:
When the character(s) go back into an awful game they played before unwillingly/to save others
When the character goes back into the awful game they played unwillingly/to help others escape
The exclusive fig in the Spider-Man book will be Cyborg Spider-Man!
I really hope that this is a joke
My Predictions for Chapter 1
I am so curious as to what this movie could have been, #releasetheuglycut
The Terrifics need a movie
Crazy [general]
The current confirmed slate for the DCU
What the Snyder Verse could have been:
Craft Sale in Old Parish, Dungarvan
Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters Predictions:
My Prediction for the DCU:
How to view character grid?
Cancelled Lego Harry Potter game
What is Fairly?