Somebody came to my mom's home, claiming that they were my friend. I haven't lived there in years.
Would it be rude as a sober person to bring a bottle of NA champagne to a Friendsgiving with the intention of not sharing it?
Can you share what happened the last day you drank?
Drunk shit-show last night
Today is 7 years no alcohol
Damn do I want to, but IWNDWYT
question: if i’m a month sober and i drink kombucha.. am i still sober?
Going to sleep sober tonight
I drank last night, then got sexually assaulted
Poured some for my guests
Guys! guys! I just noticed…
Five years sober today
Is today 3 years sober or 10 months 5 days? Counting conundrum and advice request…
I've quit, Spouse has not
I was served alcohol by accident, feeling lost today.
A Tale of Sixty-Nine Days
2000 days! Here are my tools
Thoughts and opinions?
Pineapple Juice 🍍
Something Changed.