Why do some gay worship Lady Gaga?
What illness is actually worse than people usually think?
Isn’t this a little racist? Lol
this was unkind :(
Bears… I got a question for you
What fictional character would totally vote for Trump?
what is a “universal” gay experience that you didn’t experience?
What did you realize after all your time working?
What's a luxury but we don't count it as one?
Falleció un periodista de espectáculos y está es la reacción de algunos en Twitter
Soy médico infectologo especialista en enfermedades de transmisión sexual hagan sus preguntas?
Is it weird to only go to the gym to get ready
How are funerals and the whole death of a relative usually done in your country/region?
What’s Victoria on?
Do we have high body counts compared to straight people?
What's the average bench press you see at your gym?
US gays, do you think buying a gun now is a good idea?
What’s the gentrified area in your city?
Have you dated or known someone who’s actually wealthy? What shocked you the most about their lifestyle?
Leaving towels absolutely everywhere but the hampers?
What is your opinion on Elon Musk?
Ese afán mexicano de destruirse los oídos
What’s your “they got away with it” story of someone you know?
What’s a adult problem you weren’t ready for?
What’s the politest way to ask someone for sex?