[Megamind] Would Metroman die if someone stabbed him in the eye with a pencil?
Who would win and why?
What would happen if these two had met?
Noah Beck
[UP] How tall is Carl Fredricksen?
What do you think their height is?
Dear Celestia, Pinkie Pie! Calm down!
You can win 5 quadrillion dollars, but you have to eat a live tarantula
What has been your closest experience to death?
[Stranger Things] Is Steve Harrington a virgin?
Does Dwayne Johnson know any martial arts?
Do you think Scootaloo actually enjoyed/appreciated that hug?
Has a movie, video, series or video game ever scared you so much that you had to turn it off/stop it? How did it happen?
[Strange Things] Does Steve Harrington know any martial arts?
Jeffrey Dahmer yearbook photo, 1978
Melissa Barrera
Elliot Rodger vs Eric Harris
[Ghostforce/Mlp: Equestria Girls] Can Fluttershy resist the paralysis of a Petrifear?
[Adventure Time/MLP] Could Fluttershy successfully escape from The Hall of Egress?
John F. Kennedy during his high school years (1930s)