what do I even do here💔
I might have made very poor trait choices will I be able to carry more when I level up strength?
Randomly came across a warzone. Anyone know what was happening here?
I swore I would quit this damn game......
My local dealer is a scammer 😭
Cork and Batter is open… and it is delicious
Wait, 50 is the max is the max encumbrance???
Angry elephant chases tourists
I love being in a country where you can just place your helmet on the bike without being scared of theft (Switzerland)
So people can have pics of a freshly shot deer no problem, but this pic gets me banned?😂
We doing shop critters?
Frustrated! What do I do now?!?
How has biking impacted your life positively?
This quote sounds outrageous! 2008 Honda Accord
Lethal is hard, but i'm harder
End of the year, first time in the dirt and first broken bone ever
New rider, found out the wrong way to come up my steepish driveway.
My friend just got me into Warframe, turns out I have a closed beta account from twelve years ago! Completely forgot about it.
How do you concealed carry while riding?
RideNow AZ SCAM!
Had my first crash
New prime benefit
what $ are these going for off the truck?
C/S Loud Static coming from all Speakers after driving car for 30 minutes. Corner was radiating heat