TIFU by regifting

So obligatory not today, but this past Father’s Day. My birthday is shortly before Father’s Day, and my brother gave me a card with an Amazon GC in it. I thanked him and what not but didn’t pay too much attention and closed the card back up. Then Father’s Day comes and I had been super busy and didn’t have time to get a gift, so I figured, I’ll get a card and pop the Amazon GC into it. Nice and easy… or so I thought. For some back story my brother and i, as brothers do, often call each other foul names in a loving joking way. I gave my dad the card. He didn’t open it at dinner. And then I never heard from him. No answer of calls or messages. So I didn’t know what to think. Fast forward to finding out my brother wrote in the “to” section: To: “A dirty cunt!” Now my dad and grandmother think I’m a terrible person who disrespected my father and ruined his vibe on Father’s Day. My brother* and mom think it’s hilarious. Dad not so much. TLDR; regifted a gift card to my dad that called him a dirty cunt

Edit: brother