Being Fat is A Choice

Its so weird and infuriating when I see people compare being fat to being black or queer. Being queer is punishable by death in multiple countries. In the USA, black people were enslaved, then forced into coercive labor systems (sharecropping), then hunted down (and still are) by the KKK, faced segregation and discrimination (which still occur today) and are still targeted and killed by cops that get little to no repercussions. You choose to be fat, not gay or black.

And I'm aware certain things are out of ur control, poverty, genetics, diseases, but diet and exercise play the most significant role in ur weight, and u can still lose weight despite those factors. It's willpower, determination, and enough self love to care about ur health.

I've personally taken medication where one of the side effects was weight gain, but I never became fat, obese and only gained a few pounds because I kept up with exercise and proper diet. Stop making excuses and stop lumping fat with black and queer.