Injection fail at 6 months
honestly i feel so annoyed and frustrated that i’ve been injecting for six months but its so common for me to zone out in the middle of it and mess up, but this was probably the worst fail so far. i had done everything right up until the very end when i forgot to prime the needle and started injecting air into myself. i panicked and pulled it out and didn’t know what to do so i panickedly used the no longer sterile injection needle to put the rest of the testosterone back in the vial. honestly im terrified, i dont know if i entirely ruined that vial and should throw it out. then i tried everything over but realized there was significantly less testosterone in the vial so some of it mustve gotten injected into me so i panicked and didnt want to over inject so instead of injecting 0.4 mL i injected 0.3 mL but now i feel like im not getting enough testosterone for the week and i feel upset.
is anyone else this stupid and unable to pay attention to what theyre doing unless theyre following a step by step video but never feels like putting on the video? also genuine question, is that vial fucked? should i dispose of it? this feels like the worst time to entirely contaminate whole vials of T :(