Annoying Richard (rant)

Throughout season 4, Richard grows more and more annoying. Of course this is on purpose to reflect him going down a bad path and becoming a toxic CEO like he despised in the beginning (along with the stress of building his new internet + testing his moral limits), and he seems to learn his lesson in the season finale after destroying Anton and firing Jared.

However, I expected him to go back to normal in season 5. While I’m only on the first episode, it appears that he’s still annoying like in S4.

He doesn’t seem to have changed at all after that finale/realization with Jared. He’s cocky, disrespectful to just about everyone around him, he can’t control his emotions; he’s simply insufferable.

I’ve went from rooting for him vehemently to borderline wanting to see him fail. He’s went from hero to anti-hero, and now almost to villain. He’s still redeemable, I just hope they spin him around back to his old self soon.

I’m not sure if this was written into the show on purpose, or if Thomas Middleditch is just used to acting that way after a whole season, but I’m hoping he goes back to not being an annoying AH. I thought S4 was just a brief arc and he’d snap back to his old self.

Thanks for letting me vent.