My English spelling reform
- a: /æ/ as in trAp
- á: /ɑː~a/ as in pAlm
- b: /b/ as in Buy
- d: /d/ as in Dye
- ð: /ð/ as in breaTHe
- e: /ɛ/ as in drEss
- é: /eɪ~e/ as in fAce
- f: /f/ as in Find
- g: /g/ as in Guy
- h: /h/ as in High
- i: /ɪ/ as in kIt
- í: /iː~i~j/ as in flEEce, happY and Yes
- k: /k/ as in Kind
- l: /l/ as in Lie
- m: /m/ as in My
- n: /n/ as in Nigh
- o: /ɔː/ as in thOUGHt
- ó: /oʊ~o/ as in gOAt
- ø: /ɒ/ as in lOt
- p: /p/ as in Pie
- r: /r/ as in Rye
- s: /s/ as in Sigh
- ş: /ʃ/ as in SHy
- t: /t/ as in Tie
- þ: /θ/ as in THigh
- u: /ə/ as in commA
- ú: /uː~u~w/ as in gOOse, frUition and Wine
- ʉ: /ʌ/ as in strUt
- ų: /ʊ/ as in fOOt
- v: /v/ as in Vie
- z: /z/ as in Zoo
- ż: /ʒ/ as in pleaSure
Example Text: Ðu ʉníúżúulí bédż híú óvur ðu şiur úoturz øv ðu úáid løk imprest ol, inklúdiŋ ðu óld frentş kúín, bífor şí herd ðat feur and kíųuríuslí úisuld simfunik vois ugen; dżʉst háų ðu íʉŋ man árþur úøntud fur gųd pleżur.
Meaning: The unusually beige hue over the sheer waters of the wide loch impressed all, including the old French queen, before she heard that fair and curiously whistled symphonic voice again; just how the young man Arthur wanted for good pleasure.