Massachusetts MPJE
1. Mass resources are truly not the best compared to other states. SO. I used : Dr.Elaines book on Amazon, the purple book (Guide to federal )(breif read, as most people say to focus on state), ALL the policies listed on the boards website), TLDRs summary For Ma MPJE, pharmacy (for state)
Areas of frustration:
-a. (FOR STATE) - there were ALOT of outdated answers, and it took away from studying because I had to spend extra time triple checking their work... it was a nightmare honestly. Also, for each answer they offer an explanation link, but the link is just to another tab where they've copy and pasted oold laws.. its not an actual link to the boards most recent policies. Would i buy it again? Maybe.... but Definitely with a grain of salt.. I would almost study everything else first then do those questions so you;re sure of the current answers.
b. MASS is TERRIBLE for updating their site/CMR..Their updates "Policies" on their board sometimes negate the CMR 247. Check the dates on the bottom of every law you look at. its SO frustrating, For example: time frame required to report a serious injury or death from improper dispensing. Some resources say 15 days, some say 7...
Their is generally a review session put out for the student everyyear in spring. see if you can obtain the slides. I didn't because i heard about it too late.
You MAY experience the SAME QUESTION (word for word, answerr for answer) Come up 2-3 times at random or even in row. Its probably the worst feeling ever. But if you KNOW the answer for sure. then dont fold. I fumbled a bit and started to double guess myself by the 3rd repeated question and picked a different answer just because lol . You;ll be fine.
KNOW what can be sold over the counter - insulins, tylenol with codeine, pseudoephedrine, etc. spend atleast 3 hours exploring what can be sold Over the counter. if it helps, search up other states to see what they can sell over the counter and then try and look for the same in massachussetts... Im still confused as to what needs an actual prescription or not because they dont make it clear. (if you know, please answer below)
Know what categories of compounding (503A, 503B).
Know the rules about counseling upon pickup. and the required documentation...if any,
7.Know the different rules for Techs, VS, trainees, etc,
Make up practice questions as you study the first time if needed (Quizlet style) then just keep going through them)
try to remember the drugs in each category (2,3,4,5) etc.
Try to write on a Mon,Tues or Wed, (so you dont have to wait through 2 weekends to get your results
All in all, you may still feel like you failed... dont worry, you'll be fine.
I studied (while working full time) for about a month, if you have less time that that, dont panic, i almost feel like studying strategivcally is what makes all the difference.,