My ex keeps harrassing me
I broke up with my ex in November 2023 and have not reached out to him for at least a year at this point. In October 2024, he sent me a message asking to be friends which I ignored. Since then, he's been sending me long essays about how terrible I am, how much better my used-to-be friend (female, yes you can guess what happened) is than me, how I'm so toxic and bad at video games I am and anything under the sun he can think of.
I blocked him and then he started sending messages to my friend instead. He also joined my discord server that he's been banned from, using a different account.
I would really rather not have to think about him ever again, but these messages aren't violent, so I've been told I can't just get a restraining order on him. Is there anything I can do? He's only been somewhat physically violent in the past - breaking two keyboards, not while I was there, but telling me that the second time was my fault.
EDIT: Thank you everyone for your advice. I filed a Family Violence Intervention Order against my ex and I'm hoping it goes through. I hate having to start the new year like this, but maybe it'll be a good thing. Well wishes to everyone and happy new year :)