What do you guys think of my Aquarium-plan? Please be as critical as possible, I need advice.




(Pics are just for inspo, I know the tank won't be as lush without CO2)


  1. Desktop Aquarium for my study area
  2. little work (e.g. as little cutting, feeding, fertilizing and water changing as possible [ideal if zero times], easy to control/avoid algae)
  3.  low tech (and cheap)
  4.  variety of plant species and lots of plants in general (carpet and red plants would also be nice)
  5. blue dream Neocaridina davidi colony (start with 10)
  6. colorful fish with lots of personality (Rocket Killifish (Epiplatys annulatus), [3 - 6]?, NO Betta)



  1. Cover sides facing window with black paper and something to reflect heat. Try to have curtains closed as much as possible
  2. dark start for 1 month, add ammonia as Fluval Stratum does not have much, cover with cloth because of window, Will add 25% distilled water to reduce water hardness. (increases plant growth and might be beneficial to fauna)
  3. plant densely, but Buce, Pogostemon Erectus and Ludwigia later, as they do not tolerate fluctuations. Set the light intensity to 50%.
  4. wait 2 - 3 weeks, change the water if necessary, increase the light intensity a little every week
  5. add Neocaridinia and wait until they multiply
  6. as soon as a good colony has developed and the plants have grown densely, introduce fish



- Lots of plants

- Few animals

- Aqua Soil



- Next to the window, therefore lots of algae

- Desired plant mass not possible (or more difficult), as no CO2

- Hard tap water (8 - 9 pH)

- Not available for 1 - 2 months per year




- 30x30x30 (cm) = 27l

- lid

Filter: small internal filter, low flow rate (mind. 135 l/h)

Light: from home (lominie Asta 20, if not bright enough I'll buy a more expensive one?)

Heater: (not sure yet as Killifish enjoy cooler waters)

CO2: No

Extras: Temp. meter





- Lots of shade

- Many planting options

- Ideal for front view



- Very flat convexity, minimum shifted to the left (~10 cm from the left wall)

- Steeper closer to the minimum

- Foreground height: 3 - 5 cm, background height: 10 - 15 cm

- After 5 - 10cm the slope begins (very steep)



- Active substrate (either Fluval Stratum or MIBO culture medium, whichever is cheaper and less work + Roottabs)

- Brown/black color

- If Fluval Stratum then without a second layer and if MIBO then with. (As it is a nano and I want to add carpet plants, the foreground substrate should not be too high)

- I'll add a bottom layer of lava rock for extra height and more surface area for Bacteria



- Rock: Light (contrast to the substrate), jagged, gray or light brown

- Wood: main trunk positioned on the left, branches go downwards from it + downwards from outside the aquarium

o Either: dark, curved wood, like a root (harder to find)

o Or: straight branches, like a branch

- Locally sourced, cuz I ain't paying 50EUR for stones




o marsilea crenata (Carpet)

- Growth rate: Medium/Slow

- Lighting: Medium/High

- Success: Pretty confident


o Pogostemon helferi

- Growth rate: Medium

- Lighting: Medium

- Success: Believe it will survive

- Use once cycled and stable


o Crypt. Parva

- Growth rate: Slow

- Lighting: high

- Success: Yes


Middle ground:

o Cryptocoryne albida “Brown”

- Growth rate: Slow

- Lighting: low

- Success: Yes


o Cryptocoryne lutea Hobbit

- Growth rate: Slow

- Lighting: Medium/high

- Success: Yes


o Cryptocoryne x purpurea

- Growth rate: Slow

- Lighting: low

- Success: Yes



o Pogostemon erectus (Instead, Myriophyllum guyana, Myriophyllum matogrossense, as it is smaller)

- Growth rate: Slow

- Lighting: high

- Success: 50/50

- Use later


o Cryptocoryne usteriana

- Growth rate: Medium

- Lighting: high

- Success: Yes


o Ludwigia Palustris “Super Red”

- Growth rate: Fast

- Lighting: high

- Success: Unlikely

- Use later


o Rotala rotundifolia green

- Growth rate: Fast

- Lighting: Medium/high

- Success: Yes


o Rotala rotundifolia red (Hygrophila polysperma as plan B)

- Growth rate: Fast

- Lighting: high

- Success: 50/50



o Anubias nana petite

- Growth rate: Slow

- Lighting: Medium

- Success: Yes


o Bolbitis heudelotii

- Growth rate: Slow

- Lighting: Medium/high

- Success: Yes


o Bucephalandra pygmaea 'Bukit Kelam' (willing to change Buce type)

- Growth rate: Slow

- Lighting: Medium

- Success: Yes, use later

- Insert later


o Bucephalandra sp. Hades Blue (willing to change Buce type)

- Growth rate: Slow

- Lighting: Medium

- Success: Yes, insert later

- Add later


o Hygrophila pinnatifida

- Growth rate: Medium

- Lighting: Medium/high

- Success: unlikely

- Add later


o Vesicularia “Christmas Moss”

- Growth rate: Slow

- Lighting: low

- Success: Yes



o Phyllanthus fluitans

- Growth rate: Medium

- Lighting: Medium/high

- Success: 50/50, aquarium will have a lid


o Limnobium laevigatum

- Growth rate: Medium

- Lighting: Medium

- Success: Yes

Plus one or two houseplants (pothos and philodendron micans)


Price: <220EUR

  1. aquarium: 30EUR
  2. filter: 15 EUR
  3. substrate: 20EUR
  4. light: 0 - 30EUR
  5. plants: < 95EUR
  6. inhabitants: ~30EUR


Reduction strategy:

- Buy flora and fauna via Invital and from hobbyists

- Get aquarium and filter either via Kaufland, Willhaben or Kleinanzeigen

- Find hardscape in my local area